Family Policy Institute of Washington Action

2023’s Fall elections will include over 200 School Board races across our state. In some school districts, we have the opportunity to turn the School Board to majority conservative!


Electing conservative candidates is a first step in confronting the worldly agenda that’s  pushed on our kids in today’s schools.  With a conservative majority, the School Board can:

  • Protect right of parents to see the curriculum that’s being taught to their kids
  • Safeguard constitutional rights and religious freedom
  • Remove curriculum that would teach our kids to be radical activists
  • Select curriculum which does not promote ‘gender identity’

-and more!


FPIW ACTION is pleased to endorse Mary Schuler for school board in Selah School District. She will bring true values to the table, traditional American values of patriotism and America's heritage, which is based on Christian ethics. She'll protect the privacy of children and steer the school away from the gender confusion fad.


Will you join us in this important effort?  Please support Mary Schuler for school board and spread the word to family and friends! 


Thank you for getting involved, and may Christ richly bless you!